Mobile Experience


In this project, you will create a very simple mobile application that fulfills a user need. You will engage in a prototyping and ideation process that will eventually result in a tested and verified low fidelity mockup.


Foodly is a food recipe app.  It features a lot of the basics. You can look through tons of recipes, save your favorites, and create your own recipe. It also comes with step-by-step instructions and an accompanying set of photos, reviews and timers within a beautiful, streamlined interface.


I create a persona based on people who cook everyday and enjoy cooking for their family,  or want to cook food with healthy ingredients and people who like to be creative with cooking.

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Affinity mapping

I used an affinity mapping method to find patterns and group them together. It helped me get useful information about my target users

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I analyzed the results and noticed users similar behavior and pain points.

  • It can be divided into two group— people who don’t know what to cook and people who plan their menu in advance
  • There are three ways to know what to cook—search on the internet, check on fridge or already known recipes.

Interaction Framework 

The interaction flow is easy and intuitive. I created a chart explaining how content will interact with each other.

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Paper Prototype

I created a paper prototype to test my design ideas with users. It was my first experience with paper prototyping and I was amazed by its benefits. It’s a great tool to test app’s navigation and workflow, create a rough layout and quickly test the ideas.

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Wireframe Prototype

Next I created wireframes using Adobe Xd. After sketching using pen and paper I thought everything would fit into place when I will create wireframe. It takes lot of effort to make a wireframe for a mobile app. It was not easy to fit everything I want in my app. Therefore, I made a list of what is important for the final design.  I truly enjoyed the experience of sketching and wireframing. I learned, designing a wireframe doesn’t mean designing a mobile app from scratch all by myself. It just means determining how users will interact with the basic functions of your app.