Interactive Experience


Daniella Cavaliere

Rebecca Suby-Long


For our final project, our team created a shipping type cubical container with a visual and interactive light experience. The purpose of this experience was to encourage people to interact with something new and have fun while doing it.


Full Context Rendering made by me


Twenty Ninth Street is a retail center that opened in October 2006. It’s an open, public and outdoor space for friends and family to hang out. People are usually there for a specific reason(shopping, meeting friends). Usually, people are there alone or meeting friends but it is not a good place for people to interact with total strangers.


Twenty Ninth Street shopping district is more considered an open-air lifestyle center combining retail, office, entertainment and dinning services. It also offers nice music events during the summer, and the HOP bus stops just right in the middle of it. It’s home to lot of the stores(VS, Anthropologie, Lululemon, Apple) and it’s a great central place to meet for a movie and just for a quick bite. Moreover, the mall is filled with advertisements and signs that direct them where to go. Overall, people who are shopping there usually in a good mood and for a specific reason.


The concept is to create an installation piece that would be in a shipping container with visual and interactive light experience. Based on the participant’s movement, the light will change. The faster the moves, the more intense the saturation of the light become. Depending on where in the box users are standing, the lights will change color. The box will be playing the top twenty pop songs to get people interested and once the users are inside the box, they will be able to choose any song that is available on Spotify.


Hero shot made by Rebecca Suby-Long


Originally, our idea to playing user’s favorite song once they got into the box. We thought this would be interesting and also added a little bit playfulness but after emailing you, we found out it was hard for us to figure out how this actually be working. Especially if there are more than one user in the box. Instead, we decided to play Top Twenty song on the Spotify and let users choose once they were in the box.

For more information, Please see the slides.


Interaction Diagram made by Daniella Cavaliere